Thursday, August 19, 2010

I hate moving.

I hate moving. There is too much stress, wondering if you remembered everything, and general craziness. However, it's the only way to initiate change sometimes. You would think after moving so much as a child and in my years in college, that I would be a professional by now, but it's not the case. I am completely exhausted today (Thursday) with pretty much no end in sight. I am not too sure that my BFF caffeine can even help me now. Hopefully seeing all my close friends again will give me the energy to keep it going until Sunday or Monday when I might have a chance to rest. It's a good thing that I have been getting into coffee over the summer more and more. I guess sleeping instead of writing this would help too... God help me!


  1. Aww, it's all good. The bright side: You don't live so far so if you forget something it won't be too hard to get. I left two boxes and a bag home, and I'm all the way from Jersey, so I have a bike in my apt but no lock or air pump. Smh at me. And I think that my bff beats caffeine anyday (His name is Jesus) :) But don't forget to be strong in the Lord, don't worry and everything will be alright :D

  2. I like Shalyse's comment. It makes me laugh. But don't worry, Paulie. Friends are fun are worth the moving, right?

  3. I like Shalyse's cmment, too =] caffeine is also a very big friend of mine. let me know when you need a caramel macchiato =]
