Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Guess I Have Something To Write About…

I finally have some inspiration of something to write about all thanks to Nicole Rheaume. I had to put a shout out in for her.

My life has been very different lately. I just started my job at CVS as a Technician. I am considered a Floating Technician (not because I can levitate, although that would be sweet), so I move between different stores wherever they need help. It is kinda challenging because I have to deal with many different groups of co-workers and patients and different CVS Pharmacies. They are not all created equal. So far I have been to two different CVS locations for training and three others for actual working hours. I am also going to a new one for the rest of this week. I don’t have a problem working with a bunch of new people or anything, but it is out of my comfort zone. However, I also enjoy having a job so I am willing to deal with most anything they would want to throw my way. :)

My basic strategy at this point is to not break anything, and to try not to slow down the system too much. And I try not to beat myself up too much if I make a mistake. Which happens somewhat frequently since I am a newbie. I also try to learn something new about the job everyday if possible.

I like the job so far. Most of the people are nice to you if you are nice to them. I have found that for every customer that treats you terribly, there is one that is very nice to you and very glad for your service.

I am so excited to have this job. I feel like I can finally move forward with my life in many ways. The first of which will be getting a smartphone most likely from Sprint (Samsung Galaxy SII) since they are the cheapest and I can get a sweet discount from work with them to sweeten the pot. Even though there is no 4G coverage in Indy for Sprint, I am willing to trade that for a cheaper phone bill. If you saw my phone now, you would know how bad I need an upgrade. The second of which is upgrading my involvement with UIndy Chi Alpha. I have no idea what all that will entail, but hope to have an idea this week.

Well there is my two cents for the day. Sorry that you now have two pennies…

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you here! Good luck with all your work. And, by the way, 90% of places don't have 4G capabilities, they just tell you that so you'll spend more money! lol. <3
