Friday (Remember What God Has Done)
When you come to a big moment in life (like asking that first girl out, or graduating from college), it causes you to think about what has happened to you in the past. The highs and lows. Maybe I am just a crazy person, but when I get going on this type of thing, it can keep me up at night for hours. I have been through a lot, both good and bad, so it can take me a while to sift through it all.
When you are down in the dumps or have a few spare moments, remembering what God has done for you is a great thing to do with your time. Going down memory lane can bring up good, healthy feelings that can make you feel good again. Plus God deserves all glory and honor as well. I believe verbalizing these things is very powerful, even if you're alone. However, telling others about what God has done in your life can be powerful for both of you as well.
Your testimony is one of the most powerful things you carry with you. Rev 12:11 says They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Here in this passage it is talking about the Devil, who is the accuser of our brothers. We overcome the Devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. This is how powerful our testimony is. In my opinion, you can't argue with someone's testimony. In the court of law, a witness testimony is the most powerful form of evidence. The things that God has personally done for you cannot be argued with. They are your experience.
I do recognize that some testimonies and stories are perhaps more sensitive than others, so using discretion is a great idea in this situation. But if you sense God or the Holy Spirit pushing you to speak up to a certain person, then do so. You can't lose. It doesn't hurt to open up and be vulnerable sometimes...
Thank you for this post, Paul! =) true! I definitely enjoyed hearing your testimony about your B.H.S. again. You shocked me by sharing it, but it was awesome. Way to go, Paul!